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Gum Disease

Gum Disease Q & A

What is gingivitis?

Gingivitis is early gum disease. The signs of gingivitis can be subtle, but you may notice bad breath, red or very pink gums, and light bleeding when you floss.

In many cases, gingivitis is easily treated with a dental cleaning. Your dentist may prescribe a special prescription mouthwash. If you're diligent about your oral care after a dental cleaning, there's no reason that your gingivitis will return or progress to the next stage of gum disease, periodontitis.

What is periodontitis?

Periodontitis is advanced gum disease. If you have periodontitis, you might have intense mouth inflammation, loose teeth, pain when you brush, or small pockets of pus in your gums. With severe periodontitis, your gum tissue may start to recede.

Periodontitis is a serious issue, and prompt treatment is crucial. Treatment includes a deep cleaning, antibiotics, and gum surgery.

In a gum graft, your periodontist takes gum tissue from elsewhere in your mouth — usually from the roof of your mouth — and moves it to build up the gum tissue supporting your teeth. With more healthy gum tissue in place, your teeth are more secure and there’s a new gum barrier to prevent the periodontitis from moving into your jawbone. This gum surgery may save your teeth.

What should I do after surgery for gum disease?

After you have surgery to correct gum disease, it's essential that you follow all of your Glenwood Dental Care dentist's guidelines. For at least several days after gum surgery, you'll need to eat a soft diet, avoid drinking with straws, and use extreme care when brushing your teeth.

Your dentist can recommend appropriate medications for any discomfort or pain that you feel post-gum surgery. Although you must be careful while you're healing, this extra caution is well worth it in the long run because you'll have healthier gums and more stable teeth. As a side effect, you'll enjoy a more proportionate-looking smile.

How can I avoid gum disease again in the future?

To avoid developing gum disease again in the future, be very strict about your oral hygiene. Brush and floss religiously, and see your Glenwood Dental Care dentist for your regular checkups and cleanings on schedule. There's no reason that you have to suffer through gum disease ever again.

Book your appointment at Glenwood Dental Care via the online tool or by phone today.

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